Yuclife is a helping hand in a foreign country.
We have people.
Good people, good neighbors who are willing to help.
Yuclife is a community.
Yuclife started when I ran into Roger at the hardware store.
He was laughing at my Spanish.
Yuclife is a 4th of July barbeque with friends.
Yuclife knows people who can help you.
The problems are all the same here.
Sometimes the problems are Greedy Ex-pats who see you as their next paycheck.
There is a predatory class of Ex-pat here who just wants your money.
We aren't that type of ex-pat.
Ask around.
The Yuclife seal of approval is not for sale.
Yuclife will hook you up with people who charge a fair price for their services.
If there is a problem with someone we referred you to that's what the comments section is for.
Or give me a call at 999-100-75-98.
Day or night.
Yuclife does not sleep when there is work to do.
Join our tribe.