
This dog is living the Yuc Life! 1030 AM and the sun is just starting to flex his muscles and this dog is in doggy dream land in nice patch of shade in the town square in MOTUL. I love MOTUL. It is really green during the day, mucho Verde, and gets very dark at night, mui negro and my spanish still need alot of work... YES ANGEL HOGAN THIS DOG IS ALIVE! a

Saturday, August 15, 2015


Yuclife is a helping hand in a foreign country. 
We have people.
Good people, good neighbors who are willing to help.

Yuclife is a community.
Yuclife started when I ran into Roger at the hardware store.
He was laughing at my Spanish.

Yuclife is a 4th of July barbeque with friends.

Yuclife knows people who can help you.
The problems are all the same here.
Sometimes the problems are Greedy Ex-pats who see you as their next paycheck.
There is a predatory class of Ex-pat here who just wants your money.
We aren't that type of ex-pat.

Ask around. 
The Yuclife seal of approval is not for sale.
Yuclife will hook you up with people who charge a fair price for their services. 
If there is a problem with someone we referred you to that's what the comments section is for.
Or give me a call  at 999-100-75-98.
Day or night.
Yuclife does not sleep when there is work to do.
Join our tribe.


Friday, August 7, 2015

mexican hotties

the mall up the street is filled with perfect women 
searching for the perfect plastic assesory
i frequently use the air-conditioning there
after an hour of walking in the sun
i see hottie whiplash all the time
they glance at me like you do at a traffic accident
frequently giggling, if a group
but then they over-correct
snapping their necks looking as far away from me as possible if i smile
i get it
but i guess that's a hidden cost of hottie-dom
i'm just smiling
hottie, don't hurt yourself
the neck brace place wants to hire me